A priest should speak with a full voice. Homilies and reflections

A Priest should speak with a full voice
Prison Ministry
    Letter to prisoner
    Prison Visit Reports

A Priest should speak with a full voice

Prison Ministry

SYNOPSIS:Letter to prisoners. Topics: How to think about personal intercessory prayer. Christian Life Skills: Praying for others. Praying for enemies, The Jesus Prayer. To pray for someone more diligently
SYNOPSIS:Letter to Prisoners. Topics: The Nativity fast, St John Chrysostom on true fasting, Gleanings for the Holy Fathers - Fasting
SYNOPSIS:The Jesus Prayer.
A short and ecletic teaching about baptism
Baptism - to immerse
Scripture and baptism
An Entry into the Church
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
The Sacrament (Mystery) of Christian Baptism
St Cyprian of Carthage
Address at the Baptism of AP
After baptism ....