Questions about Pentecost QUESTION 1 What is the ministry of the Holy Spirit? QUESTION 2 What are two symbols for the Holy Spirit? Explain why symbols are used to depict Him, and the reason for these particular symbols. How did the Holy Spirit manifest Himself on the day of Pentecost? Describe three ways. QUESTION 3 What is the complete text of the most famous prayer to the Holy Spirit? Which services is it used in? There are certain days when it is not used. When? QUESTION 4 Describe the procession of the Holy Spirit, and the relationship of the Holy Spirit to the other persons of the Godhead. Is it important to be exact? Describe a popular heresy concerning the procession of the Holy Spirit, and the Two divinely inspired documents that directly refute this heresy. What are the implications for those who believe this heresy? QUESTION 5 Describe the gift of tongues, and comment upon the claims of many who say they have this gift today QUESTION 6 Describe the day of Pentecost, from memory. If you do not remember much, maybe you need to read the scriptures more often? We have a lot of time to be dead, but not much to learn the things that pertain to our salvation. QUESTION 7 What very important prayer did the Holy Prophet David make concerning the Holy Spirit, and what are its implications? Hint - All Orthodox Christians should be saying this prayer every day. QUESTION 8 How is the Holy Spirit given? Can He be lost? How? QUESTION 9 Why is the feast of Pentecost called 'Pentecost"? What Jewish feast was occurring at the same time? Explain some of the implications of the juxtaposition of the Jewish feast and the Giving of the Holy Spirit to the church. QUESTION 10 Describe the services for Pentecost, and do not neglect to mention any special prayers that are said. This day is also unique in that the main scriptural text for the feast is not from the Gospels. Why?