Russian Orthodox Christian Menaion Calendar


Saints commemorated, links to lives of Saints,

Feasts, Scripture Readings, rubrics

Some Greek Calendar entries

April 1 (Civil Date: April 14)

  1. St. Mary the Egyptian.
  2. St. Euthymius, monk of Suzdal.
  3. St. Macarius, abbot of Pelecete.
  4. Martyrs Gerontius and Basilides.
  5. Martyr Abraham of Bulgaria.
  6. Righteous Achaz.
  7. St. Gerontius, canonarch of the Kiev Caves.
  8. New-Martyr Schema-bishop Macarius (1944)
  9. New-Martyr Michael (Misha), fool-for-Christ (1931).
  10. Repose of Elder Barsanuphius of Optina (1913).
  11. Saint Meletion

April 2 (Civil Date: April 15)

  1. St. Titus the wonderworker.
  2. Martyrs Amphianus (Apphianus) and Edesiua (Aedesius) of Lycia.
  3. Martyr Polycarp of Alexandria.
  4. St. Gregory, ascetic of Nicomedia.
  5. Greek Calendar
    • Virgin Martyr Theodora of Palestine.

April 3 (Civil Date: April 16)

  1. St. Nicetas the Confessor, abbot of Medikion.
  2. St. Illyricus of Mt. Myrsinon in the Peloponnesus.
  3. Martyrs Elpidephorus, Dius, Bithonius, and Calycus.
  4. Virgin Martyr Theodosia of Tyre, and Martyr Irene.
  5. St. Nectarius, abbot of Bezhetsk.
  6. New-Martyr Paul the Russian at Constantinople.
  7. Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Unfading Flower".
  8. Holy Martyr Ulphianus

April 4 (Civil Date: April 17)

  1. St. Joseph the Hymnographer.
  2. St. George, monk of Mt. Maleon in the Peloponnesus.
  3. St. Zosimas, monk of Palestine.
  4. Virgin Martyr Pherbutha of Persia, her sister and servants.
  5. St. Theonas, Metropolitan of Thessalonica.
  6. St. Zosimas, abbot of Vorbozamsk.
  7. New Hieromartyr Nicetas the Albanian, of Mt. Athos.
  8. St. Joseph the Much-ailing of the Kiev Caves.
  9. Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Life-giving Spring.
  10. Repose of Elder Savvas of Mt. Athos. (1908).

April 5 (Civil Date: April 18)

  1. Martyrs Theodulus, reader, and Agathapodes, deacon, and those with them at Thessalonica.
  2. St. Publius of Egypt, monk.
  3. Saints Theonas, Symeon, and Phorbinus, of Egypt.
  4. St. Theodora, nun of Thessalonica.
  5. St. Mark the Anchorite of Athens.
  6. St. Plato, abbot of the Studion.
  7. New-Martyr George of New Ephesus.
  8. Greek Calendar
    • Martyrs Claudius, Diodorus, Victor, Victorinus, Pappias, Serapion, and Nicephorus.
    • Five girl martyrs of Nenidor of Lesbos.
  9. Repose of Blessed Theodore of Svir (1822)
  10. Repose of Righteous Symeon Klimych (1837)
  11. Repose of Elder Philemon of Valaam and Jordanville (1953).

April 6 (Civil Date: April 19)

  1. St. Eutychius, Patriarch of Constantinople.
  2. St. Methodius, Equal-to-the-Apostles, Enlightener of the Slavs.
  3. St. Platonida (Platonis) of Nisibis.
  4. Martyrs Jeremiah and Archilias the presbyter.
  5. St. Gregory of St. Athanasius' Monastery on Mt. Athos. instructor of St. Gregory Palamas.
  6. St. Gregory the Sinaite.
  7. Repose of Elder Mardarius of Nizhni-Novgorod Caves Monastery (1859).

April 7 (Civil Date: April 20)

  1. St. George, Bishop of Mitylene.
  2. Martyr Calliopus at Pompeiopolis in Cilicia.
  3. Martyrs Rufinus deacon, Aquilina, and 200 soldiers at Sinope.
  4. St. Serapion of Egypt, monk.
  5. St. Daniel, abbot of Peryaslavl-Zalesski.
  6. St. Nilus, abbot of Sora.
  7. St. Leucius, abbot of Volokolamsk.
  8. Opening of the Relics of St. Serapion, Archbishop of Novgorod.
  9. Repose of Schemamonk Agapitus the Blind of Valaam (1905).
  10. Our Holy Father Gregory the Sinaite.
    See August 8

April 8 (Civil Date: April 21)

  1. Holy Apostles of the Seventy: Herodion, Agabus, Asyncritus, Rufus, Phlegon, Hermes, and those with them.
  2. St. Celestine, pope of Rome.
  3. Martyr Pausilippus of Heraclea in Thrace.
  4. St. Niphont, Bishop of Novgorod.
  5. St. Rufus the Obedient of the Kiev Caves.
  6. New-Martyr John Naukliros ("the Skipper") in Thessaly.
  7. Iberian ("Spanish") Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.
  8. Repose of Righteous Helen Voronova, disciple of Elder Barsanuphius of Optina (1916).

April 9 (Civil Date: April 22)

  1. Martyr Eupsychius of Caesarea in Cappadocia.
  2. Martyr Bademus (Vadim) of Persia.
  3. Martyrs Desan bishop, Mariabus presbyter, Abdiesus, and 270 other Martyrs in Persia.
  4. Greek Calendar
    • Martyr Patience.

April 10 (Civil Date: April 23)

  1. Martyrs Terence, Pompeius, Africanus, Maximus, Zeno, Alexander, Theodore, Macarius, and 33 others beheaded at Carthage.
  2. Martyrs James presbyter, and Azadanes and Abdicius deacons, of Persia.
  3. Prophetess Huldah (Olda)
    II Kgs 22:14
  4. New-Martyr Demos of Smyrna.
  5. New Hieromartyr Gregory V, Patriarch of Constantinople.
  6. St. Milteades, pope of Rome.
  7. he 6,000 Holy Martyrs in Georgia.

April 11 (Civil Date: April 24)

  1. Hieromartyr Antipas, Bishop of Pergamus, disciple of St. John the Theologian.
  2. St. Pharmuthius, anchorite of Egypt.
  3. Martyrs Processus and Martinian of Rome.
  4. St. John, disciple of St. Gregory of the Decapolis.
  5. St. James, abbot of Zhelaznoborov, and his fellow ascetic St. James.
  6. Saints Euthymius and Chariton, abbots of Syanzhemsk (Vologda).
  7. St. Barsanuphius, Bishop of Tver.
  8. St. Callinicus of Cernica, Bishop of Rimnicului in Rumania.
  9. Appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos at Pochaev (the Footprint).

April 12 (Civil Date: April 25)

  1. St. Basil the Confessor, Bishop of Parium.
  2. Virgin Anthusa of Constantinople.
  3. St. Athanasia, abbess of Aegina.
  4. Martyrs Menas, David, and John of Palestine.
  5. St. Isaac the Syrian, abbot of Spoleto.
  6. Hieromartyr Zeno, Bishop of Verona.
  7. New-Martyr Acacius of Kapsokalyvia Skete on Mt. Athos.
  8. St. Basil, Bishop of Ryazan.
  9. Greek Calendar
    • Deposition of the Belt of the Most Holy Mother of God in Constantinople.
    • Martyrs Demas, Protion, and those with them.

April 13 (Civil Date: April 26)

  1. Hieromartyr Artemon, prebyter of Laodicea in Syria.
  2. Martyr Crescens of Myra in Lycia.
  3. Woman Martyr Thomais of Alexandria.
  4. Martyr Eleutherius of Persia.
  5. Martyr Zoilus of Rome.
  6. New-Martyr Demetrius of the Peloponnesus who suffered at Tripoli.
  7. St. Martius, abbot of Clermon (Gaul).
  8. New Hieromartyr Stephen (1933).
  9. Greek Calendar
    • Martyr Theodosius.

April 14 (Civil Date: April 27)

  1. St. Martin the Confessor, pope of Rome.
  2. Martyrs Anthony, John and Eustathius of Vilna (Lithuania).
  3. Martyr Ardalion the Actor.
  4. Martyr Azat the Eunuch and 1,000 Martyrs of Persia.
  5. St. Christopher the Sabbaite.
  6. Greek Calendar
    • St. Cyriacius, Bishop of Jerusalem.
    • St. Euthymius the Wonderworker.

April 15 (Civil Date: April 28)

  1. Apostles Aristarchus, Pudens and Trophimus of the Seventy.
  2. Martyr Sabbas the Goth of Walachia.
  3. Martyrs Basilissa and Anastasia of rome, disciples of Apostles Peter and Paul.
  4. St. Mstislav-Theodore, prince of Kiev.
  5. Martyr Suchias and his company in Armenia.
  6. Greek Calendar
    • St. Leonidas, Bishop of Athens.
    • Martyrs Theodore, presbyter, and Pausilippus.
  7. Repose of Blessed Daniel of Siberia (1843)
  8. Repose of Schema-hieromonk Michael, the last Elder of Valaam (1962).

April 16 (Civil Date: April 29)

  1. Virgin Martyrs Agape, Irene and Chionia in Illyria.
  2. Martyrs Leonidas, Chariessa, Nice, Galina, Callista (Calisa), Nunechia, Basilissa, Theodora and Irene of Corinth.
  3. St. Theodore-Bassa, princess of Novgorod.
  4. New-Martyr Michael of Smyrna.
  5. The Weeping Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Ilyin Chernigov".

April 17 (Civil Date: April 30)

  1. Hieromartyr Simeon, Bishop in Persia, and those with him: Martyrs Abdechalas and Ananias, presbyters, Usthazanes, Fusicus (Pusicius), Ascitrea, and Azat the eunuch.
  2. Martyr Adrian of Corinth.
  3. St. Acacius, Bishop of Melitene.
  4. St. Zosimas, abbot of Solovki.
  5. St. Agapitus, pope of Rome.
  6. Opening of the Relics of St. Alexander, abbot of Svir.
  7. St. Macarius of Corinth.
  8. Repose of Blessed Paisius, fool-for-Christ of the Kiev Caves (1893).

April 18 (Civil Date: May 1)

  1. St. John, disciple of St. Gregory of the Decapolis.
  2. St. Cosmas, Bishop of Chalcedon, and his fellow ascetic St. Auxentius.
  3. Martyrs Victor, Zoticus, Zeno, Acindynus, and Severian of Nicomedia.
  4. St. Euthymius the Enlightener of Karelia, and Saints Anthony and Felix of St. Nicholas Monastery in Karelia.
  5. New-Martyr John the New of Epirus.
  6. New-Martyr John Kulika.

April 19 (Civil Date: May 1)

  1. St. John of the Ancient Caves in Palestine.
  2. St. George the Confessor, Bishop of Antioch in Pisidia.
  3. St. Tryphon, Patriarch of Constantinople.
  4. Martyrs Christopher, Theonas and Antoninus at Rome.
  5. St. Nicephorus, abbot of Katabad.
  6. Hieromartyr Paphnutius of Jerusalem.
  7. St. Symeon the Barefoot of Philotheou Monastery (Mt. Athos.
  8. St. Joachim, abbot of Opochka (Pskov).
  9. Martyr Agathangelus of Esphigmenou Monastery (Mt. Athos. .
  10. Repose of fool-for-Christ Asenatha of Goritsky (1892)
  11. Repose of Schema-hieromonk Alexis of Valaam (1900).

April 20 (Civil Date: May 2)

  1. St. Theodore Trichinas ("the Hair-shirt Wearer"), hermit near Constantinople.
  2. St. Anastasius, abbot of Sinai.
  3. Blessed Gregory and Blessed Anastasius, Patriarch of Antioch.
  4. Hieromartyr Anastasius II, Patriarch of Antioch.
  5. St. Alexander, abbot of Oshevensk.
  6. Child-martyr Gabriel of Slutsk.
  7. Saints Betran and Theotimus, Bishops in Lesser Scythia.
  8. Saints Athanasius and Ioasaph of Meteora, monks.
  9. Apostle Zacchaeus, Bishop of Caesarea.
  10. Repose of Schemamonk Ignatius of St. Nicephorus Monastery in Olonets (1852).

April 21 (Civil Date: May 3)

  1. Hieromartyr Januarius, Bishop of Benevento, and his companions: Festus, Proculus, and Sosius deacons; Desiderius, reader; and Eutychius and Acutius, laymen; at Pozzuoli.
  2. Hieromartyr Theodore of Perge in Pamphylia, his mother Philippa, and Martyrs Dioscorus, Socrates, and Dionysius.
  3. Martyr Alexandra the Empress (same as April 23).
  4. Martyrs Isaacius, Apollo, and Codratus of Nicomedia.
  5. St. Maximian, Patriarch of Constantinople.
  6. St. Niphont, Bishop of Novgorod (Kiev Caves).
  7. Repose of Schemamonk Nicetas of Valaam (1907).

April 22 (Civil Date: May 4)

  1. St. Theodore the Sykeote, Bishop of Anastasiopolis.
  2. St. Vitalis, monk of Gaza.
  3. Apostles Nathaniel, Luke, and Clement.
  4. Translation of the Relics of St. Vsevolod (in holy baptism Gabriel), prince of Pskov.
  5. Martyr Epipodius of Lyons.
  6. Greek Calendar
    • Martyr Nearchus.
  7. Repose of Blessed Fool-for-Christ Athanasius Andreyevich of Orel (1967).

April 23 (Civil Date: May 5)

  1. Holy Glorious Great-martyr and Victory-bearer and Wonderworker George.
  2. Martyrs Anatolius and Protoleon, soldiers converted by witnessing the martyrdom of St. George.
  3. Martyr Alexandra the Empress (also 21 Apr).
  4. Martyrs Glycerius, Athanasius the Magician, Valerius, Donatus, and Therinus at Nicomedia.
  5. Blessed George of Shenkursk, fool-for-Christ.
  6. New-Martyr George of Ptolomais.
  7. New-Martyr Lazarus of Bulgaria who suffered at Pergamus.
  8. New-Martyr Priest Egor (George) of the Spas-Chekriak village (1918).

April 24 (Civil Date: May 6)

  1. Martyr Sabbas Stratelites ("the General") of Rome, and 70 soldiers with him.
  2. Martyrs Eusebius, Neon, Leontius, Longinus, and others at Nicomedia.
  3. Martyrs Pasicrates and Valentine in Moesia (Bulgaria).
  4. St. Thomas the Fool of Syria.
  5. St. Elizabeth the Wonderworker of Constantinople.
  6. Saints Sabbas and Alexius the hermit of the Kiev Caves.
  7. New-Martyr Luke.
  8. New-Martyr Nicholas of Magnesia.
  9. Martyr Alexander of Lyons.
  10. St. Iorest and St. Sava Brancovici, Metropolitan of Ardeal, confessors against the Calvinists.
  11. Repose of Schemamonk Nicholas of Valaam (1947).

April 25 (Civil Date: May 7)

  1. Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark
    • LITURGY: (1) Jas 1:1-12; (2) Jas 1:13-27; (3) Jas 2:1-13.
    • MATINS: Lk 10:1-15.
    • LITURGY: I Pet 5:6-14; Mk 6:7-13.
  2. St. Macedonius, Patriarch of Constantinople.
  3. St. Sylvester, abbot of Obnora.
  4. Greek Calendar
    • Martyr Nice.
    • Eight anchorites who were martyred.
  5. Repose of Bassian the Blind of the Kiev Caves (1827).

April 26 (Civil Date: May 8)

  1. Hieromartyr Basil, Bishop of Amasea.
  2. St. Stephen, Bishop of Perm.
  3. Righteous Virgin Glaphyra.
  4. St. Ioannicius of Devich in Serbia.
  5. St. Justa.
  6. Greek Calendar
    • St. Nestor the Silent.
    • Saints Andrew and Anatole, disciples of St. Euthymius the Great.

April 27 (Civil Date: May 9)

  1. Hieromartyr Symeon the kinsman of the Lord.
  2. St. Stephen, abbot of the Kiev Caves and Bishop Vladimir in Volhynia.
  3. St. John, abbot of Cathares Monastery at Constantinople.
  4. New-Martyr Elias Ardunis of Mt. Athos.
  5. St. Seraphim, Bishop of Phanar.
  6. Greek Calendar
    • Martyr Poplion.
    • St. Eulogius the Hospitable at Constantinople.
    • Martyr Longinus the New.

April 28 (Civil Date: May 10)

  1. Apostles Jason and Sosipater of the Seventy, and their companions: Martyrs Saturninus, Jakischolus (Inischolus), Faustianus, Januarius, Marsalius, Euphrasius, Mammius, the Virgin Cercyra, and Christodulus the Ethiopian, at Corfu.
  2. Martyrs Dada, Maximus and Quinctilian at Dorostolum.
  3. Martyrs Zeno, Eusebius, Neon and Vitalis who were converted by Apostles Jason and Sosipater.
  4. St. Cyril, Bishop of Turov.
  5. St. Auxibius, Bishop of Soli in Cyprus.
  6. St. Cyriacus, abbot of Kargopol (Vologda).
  7. Greek Calendar
    • Martyr John of Rumania.
  8. Repose of Blessed Elder Basil Kishkin (1831).

April 29 (Civil Date: May 11)

  1. Nine Martyrs at Cyzicus: Theognes, Rufus, Antipater, Theostichus, Artemas, Magnus, Theodotus, Thaumasius, and Philemon.
  2. St. Memnon the Wonderworker.
  3. Martyrs Diodorus and Rhodopianus, deacon, at Aphrodisia in Anatolia.
  4. St. Basil, Bishop of Ostrog in Montenegro.
  5. New-Martyr Nectarius of Optina (1928).

April 30 (Civil Date: May 12)

  1. Holy Apostle James, the brother of St. John the Theologian.
  2. St. Donatus, Bishop of Euroea in Epirus.
  3. Martyr Maximus of Ephesus.
  4. Opening of the Relics of St. Nicetas, Bishop of Novgorod.
  5. Translation of the Relics of St. Sabbas, abbot of Zvenigorod Monastery.
  6. St. Clement the Hymnographer, abbot of the Studion.
  7. New-Martyr Argyra of Prussa.
  8. Greek Calendar
    • Saints Quintian and Atticus.
  9. Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Of the Passion".
  10. Repose of Schema-abbess Martha (Protasieva), disciple of St. Paisius Velichkovsky (1813)
  11. Repose of Holy Bishop Ignatius (Brianchaninov) (1867).
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