May 18

From the Prologue

All three were Athenians. They suffered for the Faith during the reign of Decius. For the Name of Christ, they were burned in a fiery furnace.



Near Ancyra, on a hill green,

There, a group of persecuted Christians

With a blessing, lunch they ate.

What the sun is, among the shining stars,

In this group, that Theodotus was,

And next to him, the presbyter Fronto.

And Theodotus to Fronto speaks:

For a church, this spot is suitable

Over the relics of martyrs honorable!

Fronto to Theodotus replies:

You endeavor, most wonderful man,

Relics of the martyrs, obtain for us,

A church, we will easily build,

This place, with a church to adorn.

Theodotus, the all-wonderful smiled,

From his right hand, a ring he removes,

And to the honorable Fronto gives it,

And these words, to him he speaks:

My honorable word I give you and, the ring, a pledge

Relics will I soon procure

And on this spot to place them!

This Theodotus prophesying said:

His own suffering, was prophesying,

And for Christ, his martyrdom,

As he said, so it happened.

There, his relics were placed,

And over them, a church was built,

Of immortal victory, a wonderful memory

Near Ancyra, on a hill green.

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