Ambvon Prayer on the Feast Holy Theophany - Jan 6 Also in FORMAT:RTF

Ineffable is Thy love towards us, and boundless is the sea of Thy good will, O Lord our God;

for it was pleasing unto Thee for Thine Only-begotten Son to be born of a chaste woman, and to become man;

and to be like unto us in all things, save sin:

and to be baptized as a man for our sake by John, though needing no baptism: so that, in sanctifying the element of water, He might grant us rebirth by water and the Spirit.

And in these things discerning Thee to be God eternal, we worship Thee, Who hast from the heavens proclaimed Him that was baptized to be Thy Son.

We glorify Thy Holy Spirit, Who descended upon Him and revealed Him to John:

for Thou hast sealed us, and endowed us with the grace of Baptism;

Thou hast made us communicants of Thy Christ:

of Whom deprive not us sinners, but by His Grace support us against every force of evil;

and strengthen the Orthodox Christians against every assault, and lead us all into Thy Kingdom:

that in us may be glorified Thine all-holy Name, and that of Thine Only-begotten Son, together with the most Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

From an ancient Amvbon Prayer.Orlov, no. 52, p. 326 Provided by Fr John Shaw, via email