Questions about APOSTLES PETER AND PAUL QUESTION 1 When is the feast of St's Peter and Paul? What precedes this feast, and when does the preparation for this commemoration begin? QUESTION 2 What is the prokeimenon for all of the apostles. Why? QUESTION 3 Paul was known as the Apostle to the Gentiles, but St Peter was heavily involved in the mission to the Gentiles also, and was in fact, active in this mission well before Paul. What significant event occurred that convinced Peter to evangelize the Gentiles? QUESTION 4 How did Peter die? Who predicted this? How did Paul die? Where did they both meet their martyric ends? QUESTION 5 Discuss the conversion of St Paul. What was his former life? How was he converted? QUESTION 6 The Holy Apostles Peter's experiences with Christ, as recounted in the Gospels, are particularly vivid and instructive for us. Compare and contrast Peter's first reported encounter with Christ, and the last. Hint: they were both in the same area, while Peter was busy performing the same work, although Peter's reaction was very different. QUESTION 7 QUESTION 8 QUESTION 9 QUESTION 10 What feast closely follows St. Peter and Paul? Why?