Metropolitan Vitaly's Paschal Epistle


Пасхальное Послание

Первоиерарха Русской Православной Зарубежной Церкви

Митрополита Виталия

Christ is Risen!

I greet you with these words, beloved brothers and sisters of our great diaspora, dispersed throughout the world, on the Radiant Feast of the Resurrection of Christ. From all sides I can hear your triumphal, joyous response - "Truly He is Risen!" For our Orthodox Pascha is not just a festival, but the Festival of all festivals, an event far exceeding all the events of this world. Pascha shakes the whole cosmos: the sun, by our faith, dances and becomes iridescent with every colour of the rainbow, and all of creation rejoices. Some observe a magnificent silence, lacking the strength to express the inexpressible feeling of Paschal joy which fills their souls. Others hasten to share their feeling of the Paschal triumph. All people and all things begin to move, the tedious vanities of this world are cast aside, and all are transfigured. Pascha is, first of all, in us ourselves, in our hearts. God's gift of the feeling of love penetrates our whole being, and we love each person and all things. This relates not just to the animal kingdom, but to the whole of creation, extending to the smallest blade of grass and the smallest flower. Nothing escapes our loving attention. May the Lord help us all to keep ourselves like this, for as such did the Lord create us.


Metropolitan Vitaly
On the two thousandth Pascha of Christ

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