Russian Orthodox Christian Menaion Calendar

November 06

Saints commemorated, links to lives of Saints,

Feasts, Scripture Readings, rubrics

  1. St. Paul the Confessor, Archbishop of Constantinople St. Barlaam, abbot of Chutin (Novgorod).
  2. St. Luke, monk of Sicily.
  3. Martyrs Tecusa, Alexandra, Claudia, Matrona, Polactia, Euphrosyne, and Athanasia of Ancyra.
  4. St. Luke, steward of the Kiev Caves.
  5. Repose of St. Herman (Germanus), Archbishop of Kazan.
  6. St. Barlaam of Keret Lake.
  7. Synaxis of New Martyr of Sarov: Anatole, Basil, Hierotheus, Isaac and Rufinus.
  8. New Martyr Gregory the Cross bearer (1936).
  9. Greek Calendar
    • Monk martyr Nicander.
    • St. Paul, fool for Christ.
  10. Commemoration of the Sarov Monastery Elders: Pachomius, Pitirim, Matthew, Joseph, and Joachim.

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