Russian Orthodox Christian Menaion Calendar

February 07

Saints commemorated, links to lives of Saints,

Feasts, Scripture Readings, rubrics

  1. St. Parthenius, Bishop of Lampasacus on the Hellespont.
  2. St. Luke of Hellas.
  3. The 1,003 Martyrs of Nicomedia.
  4. Greek Calendar
    • Six Martyrs of Phrygia.
    • St. Peter of Monovatia, monk.
    • Martyr Theopemptus and Synodia.
    • St. Aprionus, Bishop of Cyprus.
    • New-Martyr George of Crete.
  5. Repose of Archimandrite Gennadius, ascetic of Roslavl forests (1826).

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