Gleanings from Orthodox Christian Authors and the Holy Fathers


2 Entries

Thou, at Mid-feast, didst stand in the temple's court in a manner befitting God and didst cry: Let him who doth suffer thirst now draw nigh unto Me and drink. He that drinketh of this divine water that I shall give, from within him the springs of My teachings shall issue forth. Whoso doth believe that the Divine Father sent Me, and that I came forth from Him, he with Me shall be glorified. Therefore do we cry unto thee: Glory be to Thee, O Christ God, Who dost cause the streams of Thy great love for man to well forth in all abundance unto us, Thy worthless slaves. Sessional Hymn from Matins of Mid-Pentecost, The Pentecostarion

Thou, the Wisdom of God, didst come to the temple at Mid-feast, teaching and reproving the disobedient Jews, Pharisees, and Scribes, and didst cry with boldness unto them: He that thirsteth, let him come unto Me and drink living water, and he shall never thirst unto eternity. He that believeth in My goodness, rivers of eternal life shall pour forth from his belly. O how great is Thy goodness and compassion, O Christ our God! Glory be to Thee. Aposticha of the Feast of Mid-Pentecost, The Pentecostarion

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