Gleanings from Orthodox Christian Authors and the Holy Fathers


'The Spirit of God,' says Isaiah, 'will rest upon Him' (Is. 11:2). For in the beginning It was given to the first-fruits of our race, that is, to Adam. But he became careless about observing the commandment given to him, neglected what he had been instructed to do and sank into sin, with the result that the Spirit found nowhere to rest among men. For 'all have turned aside, together they have gone wrong; no one does good, not even one' (Rom. 3:12). Then the only-begotten Word of God became man, even though He did not cease being God. Since He was not consumed by sin even though He became as we are, the Holy Spirit rested once again on human nature, first on Him as the second first-fruits of our race, that it might also rest on us and remain henceforth dwelling in the minds of believers. St. Cyril of Alexandria (Commentary on Isaiah, Isa. 11:1-3, Cyril of Alexandria written and translated by Norman Russell; Routledge pgs. 83-84)

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