Do you have a minute? 1 min videos on All Aspects of the priesthood and Christian Ministry

Specific Topics
All 1 minute Videos in chronological order.

Priest Seraphim in a Do you have a minute video 

Most of these videos were posted on Instagram at

Priest Seraphim produces 1 minute videos regularly, on anything that should edify and teach: scripture, The service texts, pastoral commentary, etc. The intent is to keep it short and therefore, get it watched!

You can see these one minute videos:

Specific Topics

All 1 minute Videos in chronological order.

Specific Topics
All 1 minute Videos in chronological order.

Priest Seraphim in a Do you have a minute video 

Most of these videos were posted on Instagram at

Priest Seraphim produces 1 minute videos regularly, on anything that should edify and teach: scripture, The service texts, pastoral commentary, etc. The intent is to keep it short and therefore, get it watched!

Specific Topics
All 1 minute Videos in chronological order.

Priest Seraphim in a Do you have a minute video 

Most of these videos were posted on Instagram at

Priest Seraphim produces 1 minute videos regularly, on anything that should edify and teach: scripture, The service texts, pastoral commentary, etc. The intent is to keep it short and therefore, get it watched!

Some of these videos are directly about the priesthood and Christian ministry from a "sinner, who tries to help other sinners to not sin" (this is my favorite definition of a priest). Because I am a sinner, I allow "stupid human tricks" to get in the way of my ministry often: depression, cynicism, laziness, negative thinking, bad decisions, fallibilty, etc. ETC.! Herein you will find my advice and confession to you.